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Old 03-03-2005, 11:59 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Elmira, Oregon
Posts: 449
Tried to take a few more pics but the seat is in place now so they didn’t come out too well. At any rate, the bracket is a thingy used when putting plywood on a roof. It goes between two sheets of plywood between each truss. Picture of the bracket is below. I cut one side off and welded it to the floor of the cab. Placement is pretty critical. At the top I bent a bracket out of some flat stock and bolted it to an existing hole. At the other end I used a bolt with the threaded area out and use a wing nut to fasten the deal in place. It’s only retained by the bracket in the floor and the bracket on top. Nothing in the middle. Speaker is a smaller 6X9 that barely fits. To figure out the board I made a template out of cardboard first. Took a few tries before I got it right. Next time I would use a smaller speaker though. Maybe 5.5” round. Not quite enough plywood on the sides to make me comfortable. 2nd pic is about the best I'm going to with the seat installed. Doesn't show much though.

I used brown bread on the floor. Went in pretty easy. Used a 3M spray on adhesive.

One of these days I'll learn to document this stuff better.
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