Originally Posted by DruBlazer
That's one of the beauties of these seats. The one thing to keep in mind for safety reasons is the mounting of the back of the seats. The original seats didn't have to account for the weight of the upper body pulling the top of the seat forward in the event of an accident. That's one of the reasons I designed beefier steel on the back brackets.
There was a post not long ago on the main 67-72 section, may have even been a post I started as I am mounting up 99 Silverado seats in my K20. Anyway, a guy mentioned it is wise to consider beefing up the floor at the front of the seats also. He said in a front end collision the front of the seat can be forced down and through the floor.
I also have made some brackets and reinforcements. I will have to get pics of them. I made reinforcements that go below the floor also. I sure like the idea of having the intergrated seatbelts and hopefully I have reinforced the floor enough. Hopefully will never have to find out.