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Old 03-09-2005, 02:37 AM   #2
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I have an '86 1 ton CC Dually and a 3/4 ton '91 Suburban both have 8 lug wheels. Both 2WD.

The suspension pieces are the same, control arms and steering.
Brakes are different, spindles are different, calipers are different and spindles and ball joints are different.
I suspect if you use the 1 ton ball joints in the 3/4 a arms (which are the same) you could then put on the 1 ton spindles, brakes, ect.
By the way, the 1 ton stuff is about 50% more expen$ive than regular truck stuff!

Look up and put in what you want to cross reference with the other vehicle. See if the part numbers are the same, if they are your in business.

I would put the 8 lug 3/4 ton spindles on, still 8 lugs like the back but MUCH ea$ier finding wheels. And cheaper!

Just my .02


Last edited by GMC1tondually4dr; 03-09-2005 at 02:52 AM.
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