New to the board first off, But I have a 72 Blazer white with a sand color softtop, very clean been working on it off and on for years. No pics available at this time but I have a small favor, I need a picture of your fuse panel area,when I bought the truck it was a oneway plane ride to Lubbock Texas and I limped it back to Ft Worth and made it, but the guy that I bought it from owned a Audio and Alarm business and he had more crap wired into the truck I couldn't tell what was what and I have since taken it all out and I'm down to a couple things without intalling a new dash Harness (too expensive) So if you have digital camera could you snap me a couple pics of the fuse panel/horn relay wiring, I have a 72 factory service manual but I'm a little confused with a few wires. Would be greatly appreciated.