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Old 03-10-2005, 04:21 AM   #1
The Stunt Guy
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Danville, ca
Posts: 131
***1967-72 chevy truck doors***

I have one set of doors, yellow in color in decent shape for a 1967-72 chevy pickup. Has windows and internals in it for now, i have to check the set of doors that are mine to see if there are the internals in there, if already so then you can have the windows. Price wont change for the difference. $100 for this set

I have one set in brown that seems to have a bit of bondo on it. I got to grinding on it to get rid of paint and whatnot and found a pocket of bondo about 1.5 inches thick. Im sure you could break it off and pound it out if you wanted to. $60 for this set
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