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Old 03-11-2005, 09:09 AM   #1
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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longhorn/caddy update

Well, I rebuilt the oil pump last night. Pretty simple jb really, and interesting how it actually works too.
Fired it up and was greeted to almost 50 psi at idle. Of course, i used 15/40 oil too...but still.
I let it warm up a bit as I looked at the oil I was a pretty silver color. Then i cut the oil filter open, and was greeted with a one inch by one inch chunk of piston skirt...and enough metal flake to paint 5 bass boats.
Went back to the still running truck, was getting warmed up, i kicked off the choke, brought the idle down to the 550 or so that it is set at, and slowly started to rev it up.
sounded good all the way up to about 2000 or so when it started to sound like a 6.2/6.5 diesel. Not good.
Then it started. At 2500-ish, a definate solid knock....or two.

I got a local guy lookin for a cheap replacement. I guess all the hard work has been done, and all i really need is a 425/472/500 long block...I have all the specific parts on my engine.

At least I can still move it around the lot...and limp it home if need be.
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