-The first VW was imported into this country in 1949.
-Americans were hotrodding cars long before 1949.
-Vittone and Berg were the pioneers for hotrod VW engines. They began their endeavors in the late 50's but didn't get any significant high performance until near 10 years later. There were some Okrassa engine components prior to this time, but few were imported into the USA.
-In the late 60's there were plenty of quick Volkswagens on the nations dragstrips.
-Americans were still hotrodding American iron before the first VW's were imported.
-Best magazine in the world is the Rodder's Journal. They cover the history of hotrodding extensively. It's worth the 12.50 an issue to learn about the true roots of American hotrodding.
Final Fact: Tx Firefighter has a 3 thousand dollar VW stroker engine on his workbench which he would sell for a song to any VW dude near DFW Texas. He has owned dozens upon dozens of VWs and finally got tired of wasting big bucks on air cooled time bombs.
I'm on the Instagram- @Gearhead_Kevin