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Old 03-14-2005, 12:08 AM   #38
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I had a 67 that I installed a power steering gearbox on from a late 70s truck. It bolted right on with no modifications other than having to cut a notch in the bumper bracket. I'm guessing that a steering box off a 73-80 truck will work. About 15 years ago when I was buying parts for my 67, there were a lot of 67-72 trucks in wrecking yards. Now there are a lot of 73-80 trucks in wrecking yards. You should be able to find a good used steering box in a wrecking yard for not much money.

You were asking about transmissions. My 67 originally had a 250 in it with a 3-speed manual transmission and an overdrive unit attached to the back of the transmission. It was kind of a pain to shift into overdrive. Once the truck was up to highway speeds, there was a handle that you had to push in. This cable put the overdrive unit into a freewheeling mode where if you lifted your foot off the gas, the engine would go to idle as the truck was flying down the road. Then to shift into the overdrive gear, you'd have to rev the engine up, and pull an electric solenoid switch, and let your foot off the gas. Once the engine rpm slowed down to the right point, the overdrive would kick in. If you didn't pull the solenoid switch at exactly the right time, you'd end up blowing the fuse. Occasionally I would forget to shift out of overdrive once I got off the highway. I'd slow down and stop at a stop light. When I'd get a green light, I try starting out in first gear, but the overdrive was still engaged so it was more like starting out in second gear. The nice thing was that I got about 21 miles per gallon on the highway, and that was with a 4.11 rear end!

Last edited by pjmoreland; 03-14-2005 at 12:11 AM. Reason: spelling
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