Yeah, I vote for the worn-out 34 year old clutch too, does the engine feel like it's revving up on longer hills under a load,? (that would be the clutch slipping) The parts wouldn't probably cost more than a couple hundred bucks, and depending on your own mechanical skills you could probably do it yourself if you have access to a hoist, I don't think you would want to attempt a clutch change lying on your back in the driveway or shop,(you'll have to drop the tranny out) and you'll want to get the flywheel re-surfaced (ground) at a machine shop. Also that would be a good time to replace the rear oil seal if needed.Good Luck.
1969 G.M.C 3/4 Ton 920 (Canadian Version) 307 3 speed, currently apart
1998 Chevy 1/2 ton ex cab V-6 5 speed
1967 Chevy SWB - project truck; not started just yet