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Old 03-17-2005, 11:43 AM   #12
Lovin' Life in Miss.!
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Originally Posted by shifty
chickenwing -

I'll tell you a little secret Most fabric stores sell 1"-6" foam in various firmnesses. You can use upholstery glue to glue the layers together. An electric turkey carver works great to shave down and round out the sides of the foam if you want to be a perfectionist.

It's much more cost effective to redo the foam this way, then you get to keep the original seat

The pain-in-the-ass part is taking of all those round hooks the hold the cover on and, even worse, putting them back on again. I don't have the tool for either.

AHA! As I was typing and helping one of my friends over the phone, I found this tutorial:

It doesn't show how to cut the foam, but it gives you a full howto on repairing your old truck seat. Nice!!

You were asking for suggestions.... If you allready knew the cheapest route, why did you ask?

Edit: Thanks for the info on gluing seperate foams together. I did not know that could be done successfully. I still have to recover my seat and might use that tip.
The truck... you hear that? No really, you did hear that?!!!

Last edited by chickenwing; 03-17-2005 at 11:50 AM.
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