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Old 03-20-2005, 10:31 PM   #18
Gary Lee
fixer of 72 GMC LWB
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Newnan GA
Posts: 111
Originally Posted by cableguy0
forget them points. throw in an hei especially driving 60 miles minimum a day those points will be way more trouble than they are worth. you should be able to get a used hei for around 35 or 40 bucks put on a new cap and rotor and run a new power wire and you will be good to go. also need new ignition wires for the swap as well as plugs but thats all normal tune up stuff anyways.
I agree... if you want a good idea, just pull a plug wire and set it on the valve cover and have someone turn it over... Is it a good blue spark?But more juice is always a good thing, and I for one like not messing with points and condensors....

If the clutch was bad, your rpms would climb as it spins and you go nowhere... or it finally heats up enough to catch.... I would hazard to guess as it could be so many lil things... But I wish yu luck

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