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Old 03-22-2005, 11:35 PM   #1
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1/2 ton 4x4 spindle removal help! (photo)

I'm trying to get the ball joints out and I have removed the rotor and backing plate. Next I need to remove the spindle and axle, in order to get at the ball joints.

I have the spindle nuts off, and have been beating the spindle senseless for the past 45 minutes. It won't budge. I've tried a chisel on the side to wedge between the spindle and the steering knuckle. I've soaked it with WD-40. Is there some other fastener that I have somehow missed?

I don't own a torch, other than a little propane job, so any other suggestions to remove the spindle in a useable condition are greatly appreciated!!!

'79 SWB 4x4 Scottsdale 350/4 speed
'70 Nova 406/M20 4 speed
'02 Subaru WRX wagon
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