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Old 03-23-2005, 01:07 AM   #19
Gary Lee
fixer of 72 GMC LWB
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Newnan GA
Posts: 111
Question speaker box?

Now would this work? I have been thinking... ut oh, sounds like trouble...

But seriously... since bass in non directional... and highs and midrange bounces so well (can anyone say bose?) what would be wrong with building a trapezoidal or rhombus shaped box for the speakers that you fasten to the top part of the bench seat with zip strips or even hose clamps, so that the speakers shoot straight up or at angle a lil forward or rear towards the back glass?

It seems there isn't much room, but if the speaker were on an angled plane pointed forward or rear, it wouldn't take up so much space and should fit... I mean with 4x8, 6x9, or 5 1/4 a 45 degree angle would take out alot of depth...

I realize that tweeters/highs attenuate rapidly, bass doesn't and midrange will bounce fairly well... glass should be a great reflector as its a crystaline structure, so minimal attenuation... or if you could get the angles right you could set 4- 5 1/4 inchers behind the left and right ear of the driver and passenger spots and have stellar sound...

I am crazy or am I missing something here?

Just random thoughts from a scattered brain....
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