My wife has experience with this.I have never hurt my truck i had a 70 Short Step,she was in a turn lane and traffic was bagged uo and the other lane was open-lady in a van waved for her to go.PLOW a week old Honda about 35mph.I was pissed like if you could see other lane why did you go????uh well the lady waved me on????I was loke if she told you to lie on train tracks would you????WASTED the Honda,bent the stepside fender into the tire,i pulled it out there,bent exhaust a little,drove home a little wobbly.But the Honda had to have wrecker take it away,anyway got home threw another wheel on still wobbeled,kacked it up had to change the axle.
Then a couple monyhs later in my GMC she was at a 4ay stop and the new Yukon started to go,so she started to pull up,well she got distracted by the dog,and BAM screwed his crap up,was mega bucks gor him to fix,all i got was a ding in my bumper-a small who cares ding!!!