I once was in my 72 Blazer 4X4 with the top off, in a traffic jam, and a newer Volvo car rear ended me going know more than 10 miles an hour! Totaled the car! Disabled it! Damage to "THE BLAZ" a bent in rear bumper! Didn't even chip the chrome! Barely hit the sheet metal! The car was undrivable! I laughed! Got a new bumper and called it a day! She for know doubt will remember to put down here Cheese burger and pay attention to life next time! And the Yellow beast will haunt here nightmares for the rest of her life hopefully.
1972 2wd Blazer, 350/700R4/3:73 posi/NOS. Power is nothing without control!
Specializing in Custom L.E.D. inserts.
Contact me @ blazer2wd1972@hotmail.com
or Joel @ jmcwaters@eps-corp.net
1972 2wd Blazer, 350/700R4/3:73 posi, err & Custom L.E.D. inserts! LOL