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Old 04-07-2005, 01:01 PM   #1
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Location: Puyallup, WA
Posts: 28
Question Raise the transfer case?

I was looking at my truck last night and was wondering if anybody had ever tried this.
On Jeeps it's pretty common to raise the motor and transfer case, when installing a 1-2" body lift and fitting a flat skid plate under it all. Has anybody ever done this with a 67-72 4x4? I would imagine it would require CV drive shaft's but it would add alot of ground clearence under the center of my long bed. I realize that the center of gravity and all that would change but it would look nice and clean.
Any thoughts?
70 4x4 with 400 horses in a 383 and 8" lift. It's getting finished piece by piece.
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