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Old 04-07-2005, 02:01 PM   #14
Ob-Gyn Kenobi
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 489
5lb acetylene is plenty..... you can cut 12" of steel with 8lb acetylene, 70 lb oxygen and the proper size of tip. I would find a chart from the manufacturer and set it according to TIP SIZE, which is the determining factor in gas pressures. Anything more than that is a waste. Also, a couple people above have stated that they use 10 lb advised that 15 lb is the MAXIMUM SAFE WORKING pressure for acetylene (as a professional welder, I have NEVER had to use more than 9 lb for anything...EVER...and I have cut steel upwards of 12" thick) and at 21 lb acetylene is unstable and can spontaneously explode.

A torch is not something to be taken lightly. Figure out your tip size and set accordingly, or it WILL bite you in the ass eventually.
'85 GMC Shortbox...

I used to have a firm handle on life....then it broke off.
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