Thread: Need help
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Old 04-07-2005, 10:25 PM   #9
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I'm like LUV, if I was getting paid by the hour I couldn't afford to hire me!

At least I can drive the blazer while I work on the jimmy, that keeps me on track with the jimmy and if I forget where something goes or how it should look I just look at the blazer.

I keep up with your progress (as well as everyone else's) so you can always think about how much your progress affects the rest of us.

You know it's kinda weird but when I saw N2TRUX 77 chevy in the Classic Trucks magazine you would of thought it was MY truck... I was like Hey! I know that guy! Everyone at work thought I was nutz because I was so excited about it, but that's how I felt and I was proud for him, as I will be proud for you when you get Britney done.

Good luck and if it get's too bad take two dos xx (is that redundant?)and get back to work! Rg

PS FRENCH, I got both of those pics on my hard drive, they are both very inspiring to me! Here's another one I LOVE...

Last edited by raggedjim; 10-21-2009 at 03:22 PM.
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