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Old 04-08-2005, 11:36 PM   #10
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Location: Canton, Georgia, USA
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We didn't get as much done as I had hoped today. We weren't able to free-up any paint-booth time, therefore the doors, fenders, and tailgate did not get edged out. We did get the inside minus the dash in paint.
The gravel guard is a spray kind of like Rhino-liner that you spray before color. We cleaned up the bed and floor pan in what could be called "good enough since it will all be covered up" and went ahead and got something done. It went from black "gravel-guard" to grey epoxy primer to silver. It isn't perfect (especially since I did the spraying) but this isn't going to be a garage sitter. My buddy patched up the hole in the door jamb, but time was short and I did not get any pics of that. I guess I was all excited about the silver.
It will be quite a while before this much progress is made in such a short time. I hope to get back at it one Saturday this month and get the dash, door jambs, and doors edged out. That may not happen, but I hope to get them extremely close to that point. I hope to have the whole thing painted by the end of June. Ya Right.
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Jeremy (NUBOMB)
72K5 CST 350/350/205
1951 Chevy 1/2 ton

North Georgia Group

"... And the first rule to being a man is you gotta spend your life doing crap you don't wanna do." Red Forman.
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