It took me more than 8 hours, but I used original '71 spindles, bearings, rotors, a-arms, centerlink, & brake lines. My calipers, pads, hoses, tie rod ends, master cylinder were from autozone, and my proportioning valve was from LMC truck. Also, I had to move the brake hose bracket from the rear of the carriage to the front. It was a lot of work, but it was well worth it, because '71/ '72 parts will always be available unlike aftermarket parts such as six lug rotors.
'69 Custom 10 SB
'66 Mustang Sprint
'77 Sportster
'69 Chev Cust/10 swb, 350/700R4, 5"/6"
'70 Chev C10 swb, 67 front, 454/700r4, 4"/5"
'73 Chev stepper, 350/3 spd
'84 Chev K20 350/4 spd
'91 GMC 1500 Suburban 4x4, 350/700R4