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Old 04-27-2005, 12:34 AM   #1
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A few spring questions

Hi guys, I've got a '72 3/4 ton LWB 2WD with coil springs

Truck currently has a 350 under the hood - I'm looking for some drop (not much - not more than 2") and only in the front for a little bit more aggressive stance. Search is down otherwise I'd probably be able to find the answers that way...

My questions are
1) are the I6 springs any different than the SB springs? I know the BB/SB springs were different, are the SB/I6 springs different?
2) are the 3/4 ton and 1/2 ton front springs different, or did they just put heavier rears in the 3/4 tons?

Thx for the help
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