Hi all, it's been a while since I posted to the board. New house, new wife (Apr 16th), and now a new 2400 sf workshop

(finished yesterday) have kept me pretty busy. Now that the workshop is done, I know that I want to get a lift to put in it, but can't decide on a two or four post model. One of each would solve the problem, but not enough $$$ right now. I had a portion of the slab poured 6" thick, so that's not an issue, and there are two bays with 12x12 doors (one a pull through). I'm thinking of either a 8000 or 10000 lbs capacity so I can lift a pickup (neighbor's Dodge is over 6800 lbs), or maybe a Class-C motor home if I get one in the future. Do any of you have any experience with these lifts, and what are the pros and cons of each type? The major benefit for the two post that I see is, you have a clear undercarriage. Let me know your thoughts.
Thx, Ted C.