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Old 04-27-2005, 06:13 PM   #17
What was I thinking??
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Commerce City Co
Posts: 636
It will be hard to tell from what company your springs came from unless you can still see a part number That is usally found on the top of the springs...sometimes you can get a idea from what color the bushings that were used. If they are all red then it gets real hard. One company used Orange and another Yellow. But red is the color of choice. And one or two use a different thickness of bushing. You mite get a idea from the Taper on the leafs some are and some are square.

If you have a 4x4 shop in your town stop by and bug them for a little bit
72 K5 that needs lots of parts..
71 GMC 3/4 4x4 That doesn't need much which is a good thing I don't think I could aford another money pit...
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