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Old 04-27-2005, 09:54 PM   #3
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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
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TH400 vs. TH350 For driveshaft???

Hey Everybody!
I just put a SBC in my 67 using the 6 cylinder mounts, and a TH350 trans that was supposed to be a ""good"" one, but,,,,,,,,yep, it went to lunch before I put it in apparently! So, now I'm supposed to be getting a TH400 for it. What options do I have for the driveshaft/mounting using the 400 in it's place?
I do have a spare set of V-8 mounts if needed and it's getting rodded so I can put what ever in for a crossmember, that doesn't matter.
Please let me know your thoughts, thanks so much in advance.
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