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Old 04-30-2005, 10:50 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by shortbed70
I dont understand how it's independent suspension when its a solid rear axle. Corvettes and jags are independent rears.
I was simplifying things a bit... true, a solid axle is not independent in the way that Corvette and Jag IRS units are. However, try this exercise-- slide a floor jack under the left side of the rearend and raise it 12" or so. Note that the right side of the rearend has NOT risen the same 12" (possibly not at all). What you will see is that the rearend is no longer horizontal, however. That's because the two sides have some "location independence" as a result of the independent swingarm movement. If you tie the two swingarms together, you will lost that independence. I recommend a good suspension tutorial to anyone who is planning on experimenting with these kinds of changes. Vehicle suspension is non-trivial, and you don't want to get into a dangerous situation with it.
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