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Old 05-01-2005, 02:27 PM   #3
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Friday night, i came home from work and started cleaning up my 95 Grand Am back together, put a few finishing touches on it before i set it out for sale. set it out about 7pm. i woke up yesterday morning to hear the doorbell. i look out, and there's a minivan sitting at the end of the driveway next to the Grand Am. so i throw on some clothes, grab the keys, and head for the door. they look the car over real well, and ask to take it for a test drive. we go for a short drive (since the car has no plates or insurance) and then get down to business talking about a price. they offer $700, from my $1500 asking price i thought that was a little low. managed to talk them up to $900, and i let it go for that. considering i had just under $400 in the car, and i'm tired of looking at it, i dont think i did too bad. and since it sat out there just over 12 hours, i dont have to hear *****ing about the dead spots in the grass.

went to my buddy's house and helped him and his cousin strip out the new derby truck. a '66 Ford F250. its a little rough around the edges, but overall a solid truck. he scored it no motor/no trans for $150. we'll put a small block Chevy and a TH350 in it and call it good.

after stripping the truck, decided to go to the races. found out that there has been a rule change, and street stocks now allow pickups, where only mini stocks did before. got some wheels turning....

and im just sitting here watching the race now. i might go outside in a little bit and push the 86 out of the garage and start cleaning up.
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