Thread: porting heads
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Old 05-03-2005, 05:46 AM   #2
Resident Young Old Dude !
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There's a kit available for your dremel to grind and sand the Ports. You do not want to do more then a port matching unless you're running a motor that turns on in the HIGH RPM's.. and IF you remove too much you will either go through the Port or weaken it making it Susceptible to cracking. What you want to do for better flow, Match the Ports to a Good gasket, By good I mean a good brand name, So when you need to replace the gasket in the future the gasket will be the same size and the heads, Gasket, and Intake will still be matched. Now along with the heads, you do the same to the intake runners.. Just taper all of them together,And for the final step in sanding, Use a smooth but not too smooth barrel disc... You want a slight roughness to the runners so the fuel tumbles and does not stay as droplets.

Jegs,Summit, and any other large performance auto parts house will have the kit.
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