i,ve been a little busy this weekend saturday me and my sun (7 months) went to the flea market to buy a 1 1/8 socket to pull a arms off nobody had one so i went to sears $6.00 later and breakfast at dennys we went home he slept for about an hour and i dis-assembled the frame

all but the big engine cross member and the leaf springs i took them out last nite they are all in the back of the other truck ready to be beed blasted

saturday night the wife went out with a friend and was out until 3.30 am damn wine-o ha ha. it was pretty funny. Sunday the boy and i replaced the tub drain

that pretty well sucked but had to be done i got my new 18 volt cordless tool kit (drill, saws all, skill saw, and flash light) so i went home charged them up and half way built a dog house

cleaned the house a little for the wife just to be nice and nothing was even said