Thread: Need Advise.
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Old 05-03-2005, 02:49 PM   #1
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Location: Prospect Hgts, IL
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Need Advise.

You might have read a previous post where I was toying with purchasing a pickup out of Arizona. The main hangup is transporting the truck back to my home in Illinois. I never thought I would be interested in one of these old trucks, but a couple of months ago I bought a bunch of NOS GM parts is bulk. It happen to include some neat NOS parts for these trucks. (I still have a NOS 67-68 Grille). The more I researched, the more I started to like these trucks. Well back to the topic at hand. I am trying to decide whether I should go for this truck or not. It has no engine, but other wise, is suppose to be complete. I don't think I have seen a daily driver so clean in my life. The guy is asking $1300, but I get the impression he will accept $1100- $1200. I guess I have to figure another $1000 to ship it. I don't know if I am looking for someone to talk me out of this, or talk me into Thanks
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