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Old 05-10-2005, 01:01 AM   #2
An American Soldier
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Grumolo D' Abadessee, Italy
Posts: 503
Bozracer, I'm certainly no expert, but I have done it a time or two. I would say everything hinges on the vent assembly. With the window lowered, remove the 3 outside screw on the vent and the 2 screws on the lower vent support arm. Then pull the top of the vent towrds the rear of the door. Once it moves towards the rear, just angle it towards the inside of the door and pull it all the way out. You will have to twist it. You can now move all the other parts around freely...window, regulator. Slide the window forward to remove it from the regulator...there are notched openings in the regulator track.

The installation is the reverse. Get the window in and get the regulator arms in the window glass track. If you do remove your regulator for any reason, be sure to put it back before putting the window glass back in.

After the window is in place. Install the vent window reverse ogf how you took it out. Get the 3 outside screws in first by just nudging the vent window around til you get the screws started. You can use a screw driver in one of the vent support arm screw holes to maneuver the arm and get the first screw started. Put those 2 screws in and you are pretty much done.

I just did this a week ago...guess I should have taken pics...sorry
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