Originally Posted by wright-ons
Thought I had the same problem. Steped on the brake and by the time I got around the back no light. Good advice about having someone to step on the brake for you. It turned out that I just wasn't fast enough.
I propped a mirror up against the garage to see the tail lights and used a reversable quick clamp set to a spreader to compress the brake pedal. It worked pretty good.
The trailer brake set up was very well installed, I think it is just passed it's time. I figured if I ever want trailer brakes, I'd probably upgrade the system from the 1972 version anyway. The truck also has a engine heater with a power cord for those cold winter nights. I haven't tried it yet, but I'll probably ditch that some day too. I think most of this stuff was dealer installed as it is all very professionally done. Components are rivited in place and the wires have heat shrink tubing around them to keep them all together.

(still laughing about that one wright-ons!