Thread: cab weight?
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Old 05-11-2005, 11:18 PM   #7
69 longhorn
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Originally Posted by JPSAUTO
I think the scale might be off, my 69 bare cab had to come off the frame, for the 4th or 5th time, and two of us lifted and moved it off the frame wasn't easy but we did it and I know I can't lift 280lbs.
You might be surprised......4 guys lifted the cab off my longhorn (duck soup). In my late 20's to mid 30's,I did some lifting. picked up a 351 Windsor for a builder(500-525 on the weight). The guys at the boneyard are asking "how are we going to load this"? Lets pick it up & set it on the old truck......well, a 185 lb me had 1 end of that Ford, & 2 freakin idiots had the other end! If you havent guessed it, there were too d@mn many feet on the other end(a couple of *****s too!) we got it loaded, but it was a little "spooky"! Me & one old stout 18yr old kid carried complete SB Chevs updown the basement steps(many moons ago). I did a box swap on a 71.....2 guys, off /on with a steel box! nothin like being 20 yrs old ..... L
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