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Old 05-12-2005, 08:58 AM   #1
ran out of money
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voltage reg, stay external or go internal?

ok well a couple months ago my voltage reg went bad... A/C Delco regulator, so i got a new one. china cr@&, well start the truck up and go out for a drive, everything seems to work out untill about 10 miles from home it starts charging at 18 volts, if i let it go back down to idle it would charge at 12 (or not charge because it would be battery voltage at that)... so i tryed to limp home with it and by the time i got home battery all over inner fender and everything. So i was thinking should i convert over to a one(or 3 wire) wire and get rid of the external reg or just try and find me a a/c delco reg?

if i went to a internal reg. how do i wire that up?

Sorry for being sooo long

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