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Old 05-12-2005, 05:14 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 300
Ok guys, I need a walkthrough on crossmembers

I went to take some junk parts to the salvage yard I used to go to for parts. While I was there, I decided to walk around and see what I could find. I found several '73-'87 trucks there. Come to find out, a guy that used to hook me up is still there. I can get the WHOLE front end off of a '86 or '87 truck including the crossmember, brakes, A-arms, anything and everything for $100. It's all there, with wheels and tires etc.

My question is, what all is involved with swapping this front assembly onto my '65 ? Is there any tech articles on it anywhere with a step-by-step guide or something ? What all can I use from that truck as far as the front end ?

Thanks guys, I'm new to building these trucks so I don't know much.

Oh and will a '70-'72 5 lug coil spring rearend fit in my truck as well ? I found 2 of those too.


My mother is a recent cancer survivor and this truck build is for her
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