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Old 05-13-2005, 08:58 AM   #12
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Fort Collins CO
Posts: 71
Thanks for all the compliments, for the cover, I think I am going to make some kind of cover on stuts that I can lift up at shows, and to access the bags to work on it. I thought about lexan, but I think it would just get nasty, also I don't want anybody to be able to see anything, I have had enough stuff stolen from my vehicles already

For the front I am in a pickle over the hood hinges. With such a tall tire I can only go another inch and a half if I grind all the way to the first bolt, so eventually I think I will have to go with a reverse tilt hood to get it to lay out. I will try to post a few more pics in the next few days if you want.


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