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Old 05-14-2005, 01:09 AM   #1
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Hawker Odyssey battery - like Optima, but BETTER!

I bought 6 of these Hawker SBSJ40 batteries for a project I have decided not to they're for sale. This battery is the industrial version of the Odyssey PC1200 battery, who's specs you can see here. This battery is completely sealed like an Optima, but provides significantly more cranking amps. (1,200 vs 750) This battery is also smaller than an Optima, making it perfect for a second or rear mounted battery. (roughly 8"x6.25"x6.25") Hawker makes some of the finest batteries you can buy, this is why many, many military vehicles use them. (and not Optimas)

- 2,400 short circuit amps
- 1,200 cranking amps
- 78 minute reserve capacity
- Designed for 8-12 year service life in industrial applications
- Designed for 400 cycles at 100% discharge, 500 cycles at 80% (try that with an optima!)
- 39 amp hours
- Brand new
- List price is $279

More specs for the SBSJ40 can be found here.

Asking $70 or $65 each for two
(about half the cost of an Optima yellow top with no core charge)

Last edited by ZmOz; 05-29-2005 at 07:26 PM.
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