Some questions...??
I have a 69 Straight 6 Motor
After letting my truck warm up you can hit the gas and it will bog down then rev. I have replaced the plugs, points and condensor. I also had the carb rebuilt. What else could it be. All the vacuums are hooked up. The truck hadn't ran in 21 years before I bought it. My friend lost my feeler gauge and we kinda guessed on the points opening. Do you think that could be the problem? Plug Wires? Something else?
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I have a three speed on the tree, If I buy a kit to put it on the floor, will it work with a 350 that I want to put in it?
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I want to put a 350 in it. Will the Bellhousing on the 6 bolt up to the 350?
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Is a power steering conversion pretty difficult? Does anyone have a step by step?
2006 Titan SE Crew Cab Daily Driver
2005 Mazda Tribute (Wifes car)
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