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Old 03-21-2002, 03:22 PM   #1
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Post what year gmc 3/4 ton pickups had the...

wheelcaps(not covers) that were black and white painted with red GMC letters in the middle ? trying to see if this one sitting near here is a 68-70 or a 71 72, it has markers and large window cab, so,.. i just drove by it just now finally after knowing about it sitting over there for months now, the front of cab appears to be sitting alot lower than the rear signaling that the cab is junk, but its a complete truck and so hmm.. gonna wait til i have some extra dough and then find out who owns it, it hasnt been there for too long really, its in someones back yard in a narrow alley kinda hidden away

[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited March 21, 2002).]
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