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Old 08-04-2002, 12:23 AM   #4
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Hilliard Ohio
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I just got back about 20 min ago...(11:30-ish eastern) Trip went awsome. Everything went pretty close to planned for me.
Even though I did get lost and wandered around the backwoods areas...bout 50 - 60 miles added, scared to hell that my cam bearings were going to leave me stranded...almost out of gas, (had 1 gallon left by the time I found a pump) no one could give me good directions, and only one of those little towns had a gas station that i saw. Scared sh!tless. I had to ask 5 ppl how to get there, got 5 differant stories...and no one had a map (not even the gas station????)
So anyways, I finally got there, we all meet, had some awsome eats, .B.S. around, then we look at my truck....
It was makin a very loud metalic grinding/squeeling noise...I was able to hear it over my pipes (or lack thereof) and through the ear plugs, the faster I went, the louder it got. I did the screwdriver to the ear trick, and discovered the water pump, alt, and power steering was all good, no noise. IT was coming from the front of the motor, and my oil psi hasn't been to great lately. Safe asumption. It was also running 200 - 210 instead of 160 - 180.
Then huck discovers the fan clutch is locked up. WTF??? It was only 2 years old!!!!He pulled one out of a scrap pile, and INSTALLS IT for me!!!! Awsome huh?
When the old one hits the grass, we pick it up, and make it turn in the clutch...there's my noise.
Well, not only did it go flawless after that, but those torque pluss intake gaskets...AWSOME! I finaly tuned it with MUCh less timing, (10BTDC instead of about 16-18) Not only is the power alot better....the MPG went up from 9 - 10 up to 13 - 14 at a higher rate of speed. I averaged 80 all the way home and got 14.
Awsome huh?
Huck, thanks for the get together, glad to meet everyone....I had a blast.

Last edited by Longhorn Man; 08-04-2002 at 10:59 AM.
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