Man this hobby can sure be frustrating at times.

I am dropping in a new GM 350 Crate engine and was all excited about it until getting into the process and realizing how many unexpected problems you can have (this is just one of them).
Originally I had all the pulleys from another 350 engine, but when installing those pulleys onto this, everything matched up but the power steering pump bracket off the other engine. I couldn't for the life of me get that thing to mount. So, I've reverted back to my 1970's pump but now none of the pulleys I was going to use match up.
Basically as it stands now, the power steering is attached, and lines up with the crank pulley. But I cannot get the stock water pump pulley to match up with either the crank or the alternator... There are so many factors, such as long/short water pump, variation of pulley design etc. I could really use a picture of what the stock setup is "supposed" to look like. Maybe what I have as stock pulleys are in fact something else...
Guess I just gotta stop being excited about things, they really do drive when they're darn good and ready to drive. Can't speed anything up or they fight back at ya.