When adjusting hydraulic lifters, your goal is to place the piston within the lifter at the center of its travel. To do this requires that (1), the lifter to be adjusted is setting on the base of the cam--not on any part of the lobe. This is why you turn the engine over untill the cylinder you want to adjust is at TDC on its compression stroke. (2) to insure the internal piston of the lifter is at the top of its travel, back off the adjustment until you can easily move the rocker. Wait a few seconds and test for looseness again. When your sure the piston has moved to the top of its travel, then very slowly tighten the adjustment nut as you turn the push rod with your fingers. The "trick" is to feel the slightest resistence in turning the pushrod. This indicates "zero" adjustment. Then, and only then, you turn the adusting nut down another 1/2 to 3/4 turns. The secret is in determining when you are at zero lash. This requires practice.
Last edited by bubba2; 05-25-2005 at 10:48 AM.