Thread: parts f/s
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Old 08-04-2002, 05:05 PM   #1
Gearhead since birth
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Thumbs up parts f/s

selling my 4x4 so here are all the extra parts I have for sell 205/350 turbo combo, #2- a 14 bolt ff with 411 gears new bearings and seals has the 10 1/2 ring gear has gov-lock locker and is 8 lug needs brakes #3- 10 bolt front axle 8 lug with 411 gears complete hub to hub this parts need to be sold make offer on all of them highest offer gets them if I have to ship then you have to pay for that also, Please someone buy this stuff needs to go so my wife will be happy thanks Bruce. also a set of 4 inch front leaf springs for a chevy truck or blazer.
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