What did you get done- Memorial weekend edition
I'm sure a lot of you guys and gals took the weekend off and went somewhere with the family or friends. Normally I go to a car show every Memorial weekend. This year it was canceled, so I stayed at home and worked around the house. I actullay got quit a bit done for a change.
Saturday morning I get up and cleaned my wifes Denali. All I had done to it for a few weeks was give it a quickie wash when it was dirty. It was time for a detail, so I spent a couple of hours cleaning it up inside and out. Then I took it to Jiffy-Lube for a state inspection and an oil change. I found out the tranfer case has a leak at one of the seals, so it gets a trip to the dealer. Oh Joy!
Got home and cleaned the swimming pool, scrubbed algae from the waterfall, and serviced the equipment. Cleaned the deck around the pool, and worked on the flower beds for a couple of hours. Long enough to fill 5 bags full of trimmimgs.
Replaced the latch on my gate leading to my back yard. I had to grind the old latch off since the idiots that installed it welded it on. A new latch, a few screws and a coat of paint and it works like new again.
Invited some friends over to swim and eat. Hung out at the pool and talked hot rods with my buddy while his two youngest boys spent 4 hours swimimg. Man I wish I still had that kind of energy.
Today I went to church, then got back to work on the yard again. I spent another couple of hours trimmig and pulling weeds. Then I took a break from all that fun and repaired my daughters trampoline.
I un-did 8 bolts, swatted two hornets, 47 springs, swatted another hornet, un-did 8 clamps to get all the broken pieces off. Once all the broken pieces were I discovered where all the hornets were coming from, and they discovered who was pissin them off.
After a brief shoot out with a can of Black Flagg wasp and hornet spray I went back to work. I installed 8 bolts, 47 springs, 8 clamps and discovered one of the hornets was trying a sneak attack under my shirt. After a quick dance around in circles that involved ripping my shirt off as a finale, and killing the last of the hornets I declared the job done.
Now I'm taking a break while the weather decides if it wants to rain or shine.
What did you get done......?