Thread: gmc to chevy
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Old 04-15-2002, 02:34 PM   #11
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How about a different slant on the issue?

I have a '72 Jimmy also. And having had an original '70 Blazer, like paying $4800 for it in 1970, I did not like the quad lights on the '72J.

But I also know I want off road driving lights and fog lights, etc., and having seen the expensive bumper add-ons that people use, I am considering changing my outer lights to the hi-lo beam setup of the single headlight style and putting real flame throwers or yellow fog lights into the inner light housing.

It's just a thought before you go to the expense of a whole new clip.

This is not the same as putting offroad lights up on top.

I cannot tell you how this settup will work, but I have dreams of being able to let someone know they have their brights on, as well as flooding a night time rock crawl area with light.
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