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Old 06-05-2005, 07:20 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by JIMs70GMC
10 degrees of dwell that is. I just spent the better part of 10 days chasing a problem that ended up being my dwell off by 10 degrees. I rebuilt the carb, replaced ignition wires, replaced the starter, 1 battery cable, fuel filter.
The problem as it manifested it self was similar to flooding, hard to start when cold or after sitting for an hour(hence carb rebuild) I checked for spark and didn't have one so I jumped on the starter/ignition wires. Well this morning I pulled out a dwell meter my dad gave me and after about 10 minutes got it started and checked the dwell and had less than 20 degrees and was running rough, brought it up to 31 degrees and bingo fires all the time, engine sounds better. It seems the dwell was going south over the past several months. I had performed a tune up in april of last year and have only put about 5000 miles on her since then. Plugs looked and so did the cap and rotor. Oh well something else to check.
Glad to read all is well. I can see where that much dwell out of wack would cause you a problem since the dwell angle controls engine timing. A well set up points dist. purrs like a kitten. HEI is not without it's own set of problem,
left me stranded in Florida, resistor fried. Had that fixed and when I got back to Maine it quit on me again, pick-up coil went. Overall the HEI is a better system, nothing is perfect. Best to own a dwell meter if you run points then adj. is easy to keep her running optimum.
1968 Chevy 4x4 307 4 speed
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