no more scraping- exhaust outside of frame
Just thought I'd share these pics for the people with lowered trucks. I trimmed a little from the inner fenders and back of the cab, then had the exhaust shop run the exhaust outside of the framerails and tucked up as high as possible. It is now higher than the bottom of the frame and is not visible from the side except at the exit. It steps up to 2 1/4" just forward of the generic turbo mufflers. It could be made to exit through the bedside very easily, and will make tranny removal very convenient, too. I have the original ramshorns and side exhaust, so I know this is not for everyone, but thought it might give someone out there a new idea.
'69 Chev Cust/10 swb, 350/700R4, 5"/6"
'70 Chev C10 swb, 67 front, 454/700r4, 4"/5"
'73 Chev stepper, 350/3 spd
'84 Chev K20 350/4 spd
'91 GMC 1500 Suburban 4x4, 350/700R4