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Old 06-09-2005, 01:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by rage'nrat638
350 with 600 holley.......
not much to adjust......
any thoughts......thanks mark ......running rich....
What are the readings? Look at them and see where you failed. It could be a carburator adjustment. Lean is good.

-Change the oil and filter (get that old polluted oil out of your engine.
-New air cleaner
-New fuel filter
-Run a can of Pass Smog by CRC found in most parts stores, Walmart, etc. (this stuff works) I learned this from a technician that repairs vehicles that have failed emissions testing
-Check for and repair any vacuum leaks
-Check the timing with and without vacuum advance (less is good)
-New spark plugs, wires, cap, rotor. Check your old spark plugs for color. They should be a light choclate color
-Make sure the engine is thoroughly warmed up.
-Make sure the technician does not raise and lower the RPM's quickly. This dumps excessive fuel into the system
-And anything else the other members suggested
Got bored, sold everthing. Got bored, looking for a 1960-66 C-10. Want to build my last truck.
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