the old dodges are tougher than nails, My father in law is a dodge buff, and he says 74 was the best year for them. they have awsome 4x4 traction, make excellent power, the 727 tf trans is bulletproof, nothing bad to say about a dodge except as longhornmail said, they're ugly as sin.
Ol' Buck: '72 Chevy 1/2T 4x4 shortbox stepside 350/350auto on '84
ralleys and 31/10.5s
Angel girl: 67 Cutlass convertible
330, 3spd stick
Greener: 90 GMC Jimmy
Chad Stephens
no name yet: 72 442 under serious construction
67 K-20 350, SM465, Eaton rear, 4.56 no spin option
00 Dodge 2500 4x4, 24V cummins, 5 speed
South Central Nebraska