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Old 06-11-2005, 02:37 PM   #15
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: shelbyville illinois
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25 here , at 10 i was flipping through every hotrod and super chevy magazine i could find when guys in my class were talking about the latest mario brothers cheats they had found i was digging through a "how to hotrod the small block chevy" and memorizing torque specs, at 12 i scooped horse stalls for a summer and saved up 400 bucks , i bought a 30 ford model a 2 dr sedan and a 55 chevy 4 door sedan lol , didnt know what i was gonna do withth em but hey i had em , once i realized they were both to far gone for me to tackle i sold them at around 15 and bought a 55 2 door post , did up a healthy small block , radiused the rear wheel wells and bammo had a two lane blacktop clone that anyone would enjoy , that was my highschool ride along with numerous other hotrods and big chevy 4wds, i learned by watching and have always had a thirst for this type of thing i listen i watch i learn , now ive got my bigggg blazer and a 68 shortbed with a blown 350 asleep under the hood , its a really good feeling to here that thing with ground effects start buzzing as with a flick of the throttle the blower says " not today jr." its all in what you enjoy , personally i have to laugh everytime i see one of those cars but like someone said above , that just means there are more bigblock gm stuff layin out there for the picking , let them by up all the civics and slam the sticker packs to em , im gonna drag that 57 2 door post out of the barn and show em what quick is all about

Last edited by MAC67; 06-11-2005 at 02:38 PM.
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