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Old 06-14-2005, 02:59 PM   #54
Yukon Jack
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Location: Rose Hill, KS, USA
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Yep, I guess your right about might get to use the teflon seals anyway after the head issue is addressed. Only one of the cylinders on the driver side holds much pressure, the others let a lot by. The driver side is better but only one seems to hold most of the pressure. They all leak. Must be alot of damage. Sure hope the pistons are okay.

Well, I guess I will be pulling the heads next time I am out working on it. I sure hope I can get to all of the head bolts, clearance is awfully tight at the back of the motor.

The existing heads are the peanut port heads so I am looking at other options as from what I have heard these are some of the least diserable heads. Can't see putting much money into them but will just have to see what I can find that is fairly reasonable. Aluminum will not be an option money wise nor is that something I need. I assume a nice set of iron heads that flow well will be a big improvement over the peanut port heads. It's a heavy truck at about 5,800 or so pounds so will want to make sure I keep the torque curve down low where it needs to be. I guess that was one good thing about the peanut port heads - good low end torque.

A buddy just may have a set of heads - I have a call in to him to see if he still has them.
1970 Blazer with a 400 sbc and 4" lift
1980 Pontiac Trans Am, 455 Oldsmobile
2012 Kawasaki Concours 14
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